March . . . preparing for a new beginning!

Happy March!! But with teachers on the brink of receiving COVID vaccines, we may finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!! We are SO EXCITED to get back to campus to be with our students but realize it may be a difficult transition for some. While we wait for more guidance and direction from our school board and superintendent, now may be a good time to prepare for the return. Over the next few weeks, you may want to gradually ease into an earlier wake-up time, review and practice the morning routine, get into the habit of a regular eating schedule (mid-morning snack and mid-afternoon lunch), and review behavior expectations. Get your students pumped up and excited about returning to school. And hang on- we’re almost there!! Please reach out to me with your questions and concerns by calling the school office at (310) 476-2281 or emailing me directly at Best, Toni