We Appreciate You!

SHOWING OUR APPRECIATION This month begins with Appreciation celebrations. On Tuesday, our staff will be recognized at luncheons hosted by CFF and our KPTA parents. Please help us honor the people who work so hard to make our school such a special place. Take a minute to have your student write a note or make a card thanking a staff member for all they do. You may want to write a card to the teacher and TA and also include any other support person who contributes to our school. The names are listed below. And in case you are wondering, students will be making cards for their bus drivers in class. We honor them with breakfast on Friday. Shhhh...this is a surprise! Please send your cards and notes Monday to the Magnet Office "Attention Kathryn" - we will deliver them in gift bags at our party on Tuesday. Thank you...reading the students' heartfelt notes is a favorite part of Staff Appreciation!