It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like . . .

I hope everyone has enjoyed the week off and spent quality time with family and friends. Tis' the season! Even the cold and rainy weather encourages us to spend more time indoors with our families. I really love this time of year, though I do admit, I miss the white winters of Michigan where I grew up with trees heavy and beautiful with ice. And yes, I do tell my daughter stories of when I was a kid, and had to walk for miles in snow, sleet, and freezing cold to get to school every day. (This is a true story . . . except maybe the "for miles" part.) We even had recess outside in the cold and snow, believe it or not! But, I digress . . .
We have only three weeks of school left in the semester and, believe me, it will go by fast! There are not many events happening in these three weeks, but the ones we have are important:
School Experience Surveys
School Experience Surveys are due on December 6th. If you have already completed the survey on-line or turned in your completed survey at school, thank you very much! If you haven't completed the survey, it is so important that you do. You may complete the paper copy you received at home and return it to school by December 6th. It would probably be more convenient, however, if you completed the survey online. Thank you all for your input and support!
Council Meeting
The Community Council Meeting is another way to have your voice heard. If you have a concern regarding Community MCS, let your grade level Council representative know. You may also feel free to attend a meeting and have your public comment be heard. Public comments are held to a 2-minute limit. The next Council Meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 9, at 2:45 in the school library.
Winter Program
I am so excited for the Winter Program! There are very few of my years that I have not been able to enjoy an elementary school winter program. The sound of the children's voices singing holiday songs always puts me in a nostalgic mood.
The Winter Program schedule will be Thursday, December 19. Kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th grade parents are invited to attend the 8:30 a.m. performance and 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade parents are invited to attend the 1:00 p.m. performance.
Pajama Day
December 20th is the last day before winter break. This will be Pajama Day, so show your school spirit by wearing your cutest winter pajamas! There will be a 12:45 minimum day dismissal. If your child attends an after-school program at another school, please check with that school since not all schools will have a minimum day schedule.
That's all for now. I'm looking forward to a great week back at Community. See you around campus!
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