A Week in the Community
This week I took my camera with me to catch classroom lessons and enrichment activities in action. If this isn't proof that Community is a true community, I don't know what is! Take a look at what happened in the Community this week . . .
Spring Planting Day with Ana
Students had a great time on Wednesday with our Global Gardener, parent volunteer Ana Park. Here is what she says, "February is the time to plant our spring garden as
the weather is starting to warm up. I usually involve 6-7 classes to
help in the garden and Kathryn helped me coordinate the teachers that
wanted to participate. Below are the rooms that participated: Rms. 3, 6, 10, 15, 20, 21, and 22.
Tracy's 1st Grade RULER Lesson

On Monday, Tracy invited me into her classroom to observe a
lesson introducing the Mood Meter to her students. Tracy is very
passionate about social-emotional learning and about the RULER program.
Her students were so excited and engaged in the lesson and it was very
interesting to see how quickly they were able to
identify their own emotions as well as the emotions of others. The
lesson began with the Guess the Emotion Game. Tracy selected a
volunteer, assigned them a secret emotion, then asked questions about
their emotion. Based on the volunteer's responses to these
questions, the other students guessed the emotion being described. They
had so much fun with this game!! Then, Tracy explained the Mood Meter
and gave each student their very own. Students used
their colorful Mood Meters to identify their own emotions
and then shared on a large classroom Mood Meter chart. Tracy tied it
all together as she read from the Anna Hibiscus chapter book series and had students identify Anna's emotions on the Mood Meter. Be on the lookout for a parent training
on this next phase of the RULER program!!

On Friday, Tracy invited me in to her classroom where I, along with the students, received an art lesson from Cameron's grandmother! When Cameron told her that the class had been studying the art of Harry Fonseca, she brought the class a special treat: an actual Harry Fonseca painting! Tracy's students, who are in their second year of the Contemporary Art Start (CAS) program through the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), listened intently as Cameron's grandmother talked about the artwork. Tracy asked questions and guided the students to look closely and think deeply about the art before them. The discussion that followed was amazing as it was quite apparent that these students have had quality training in the art of of art appreciation!!
2018-2019 California Science Test (CAST) Results

1) Valet Line:
2) Medical Notes:
Get ready to PUMP IT UP!
Pump It Up is this Friday, March 6th, and the theme is SUPERHEROES!! All students will be participating in this heart-pumping event, so make sure to dress your child in his/her favorite SUPERHERO costume on Friday. It will take a school-full of our strongest and bravest SUPERHEROES to support an amazing school like CMCS so make sure they are prepared!! So far, we have 40% participation in this event, but need school-wide participation to ensure that CFF meets the fundraising goals. Even I, who will become a superhuman ice-cream sundae, am asking for support from my family and friends! SO come on out and SUPPORT!
Tea Time with Phyllis: GATE
Phyllis will be hosting Tea Time this Friday, March 6th, to discuss the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program and the upcoming OLSAT Testing for all 2nd grade students. Tea Time will begin immediately following Friday Morning Assembly in Room 1.
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day is Tuesday, March 10th. All CMCS Grandparents are invited to come and spend a special day with our students!
Dine & Donate at Lemonade Restaurant
Spring Planting Day with Ana
![]() |
Pics by Ana Park: CMCS Global Garden |
Students harvested snap peas, carrots, Swiss chard, and red onions, and
were able to take them home. They also cleaned out old plants, added new
soil into the planters (they carried the 2 cubic feet bags by
themselves!), and planted soybeans, carrots, Dragon
Tongue & Tongues of Fire bush beans, and 2 varieties of pole beans. I
heard from the teachers that they were very happy they got to garden!
Tracy's 1st Grade RULER Lesson

On Monday, Tracy invited me into her classroom to observe a

Tracy's 4th Grade Art Appreciation Lesson

On Friday, Tracy invited me in to her classroom where I, along with the students, received an art lesson from Cameron's grandmother! When Cameron told her that the class had been studying the art of Harry Fonseca, she brought the class a special treat: an actual Harry Fonseca painting! Tracy's students, who are in their second year of the Contemporary Art Start (CAS) program through the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), listened intently as Cameron's grandmother talked about the artwork. Tracy asked questions and guided the students to look closely and think deeply about the art before them. The discussion that followed was amazing as it was quite apparent that these students have had quality training in the art of of art appreciation!!
2018-2019 California Science Test (CAST) Results
to all CMCS teachers,
especially 5th grade teachers, for the EXCELLENT 2018-19 California
Science Test (CAST) scores!! This achievement is a credit to all CMCS teachers because it shows strong science instruction, K-5.
Here is the data for the 2018-2019 CAST:
% of students meeting and exceeding standard-
State of California: 31.72%
LAUSD: 24.28%
Community Magnet CS: 69.31%
1) Valet Line:
- Children are NOT allowed in the parking lot during valet hours: 7:30 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. & 2:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m..
- All students should load and unload at curbside only.
- In the morning, please drop your student at the valet curb, and then park in the visitor's lot if you are staying on campus.
- If you are parked in the school lot in the afternoon, your student must wait at valet for you to pull your car around. You do not have to go to the end of the valet line -- simply pull your car around to the valet curb. The valet attendant will direct you.
2) Medical Notes:
- Any medication, over-the-counter or prescription, requires written authorization from the parent or guardian.
- These authorization forms may be found on the Resources page of the CMCS website.
- Any medication sent with a student without proper authorization will be confiscated and returned to the parent or guardian.
- If medication is sent without proper authorization, the parent will be asked to come to the school to administer the medication.
Get ready to PUMP IT UP!

Tea Time with Phyllis: GATE
Phyllis will be hosting Tea Time this Friday, March 6th, to discuss the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program and the upcoming OLSAT Testing for all 2nd grade students. Tea Time will begin immediately following Friday Morning Assembly in Room 1.
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day is Tuesday, March 10th. All CMCS Grandparents are invited to come and spend a special day with our students!
Dine & Donate at Lemonade Restaurant
A BIG thank you to everyone who attended our
Lemonade Dine & Donate in February. We earned almost 1K!! Your
support really does make a difference!
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