
Showing posts from March, 2021

Spring has Sprung at Community!

  Spring has Sprung at C o m m u n i t y !  Happy Spring Community Families! Once again, distribution day was a fun and happy experience as we celebrated Spring with bubbles, flowers, music, and our amazing Community of families, teachers, and staff!  This week will be another busy as we continue preparations for school reopening. If you haven't already done so, you should complete the  Program Selection Survey . The deadline to complete the survey has been extended. This Friday, March 26, school will be closed in honor of Cesar Chavez. Next week, March 29-April 2, is Spring Break. Please enjoy a wonderful, safe, and responsible break. We will see you back for on-line learning on Monday, April 5th.


MARCHING TOWARD REOPENING!! Community Magnet CS Reopening Updates Thank you to all who attended Friday's Tea Time with Toni. There were SO MANY QUESTIONS!! Many of the answers can be found in the resources listed below.  Return to Campus Family Guide Return to Campus District Leaders Video Return to Campus Family Video Return to Campus Program Selection Form  (due March 19th) Scroll to the end of this blog to r ead questions and answers regarding CMCS reopening plans. This information will be updated regularly as new information is provided. Have MORE questions?! Submit them here . UTLA members voted 91% in favor of remaining committed to distance learning until these three safety criteria are met: LA County is out of the purple tier LA County is now in the red tier! Staff are either fully vaccinated or provided access to full vaccination Many members of our staff have received first doses of the COVID vaccine. However, some have still been unable to secure a first dose due to...

Busy, Busy, Busy!!

Hello Community Families, Spring Break is approaching fast and there's a lot going on:  REOPENING:  We continue to prepare our campus for reopening with hopes that LA County is out of the purple tier soon. Until then, teachers will continue to deliver on-line instruction to all students.  BUDGETS: Our district-funded budget has been approved for next school year. We look forward to working with CFF to approve the CFF-funded budget in the coming weeks. STATEWIDE TESTING:  We will begin preparations for SBAC testing of students, Grades 3-5. Our tentative testing dates are April 26-May 7. Click here to watch a video on How to Take a Remote Test. Stay tuned for more information. TSP PLAN and LCAP: Each year, CMCS completes the TSP plan and the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) which outline our strategies for closing equity gaps and improving outcomes and opportunities for students, including our targeted populations, English Learners, foster youth, and low i...