Hello Community Families,
Two weeks down and just six more to go! We're beginning to settle into a groove with smoother arrivals and dismissals, more consistent supervision, and our first round of on-site Covid-testing under our belts. Of course, CMCS teachers haven't missed a beat as quality instruction has continued seamlessly throughout the transition. Our parent volunteers are SO HELPFUL every morning unloading buses and cars, checking-in students, and taking temperatures. One parent even donated a pair of automatic temperature monitors that detect temperatures in seconds! Our systems and routines are getting more efficient every day. Students and staff are happy and excited to be back and our campus is once again full of life and energy! It's really great to be back!!
This is a reminder of the hybrid schedule on Mondays for the remainder of the school year. Note that buses will be operating on this early out schedule with CMCS departures at 10:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.. Please adjust your schedules accordingly- you may expect your students to arrive at their bus stops about half an hour earlier for the 10:30 dismissal and approximately an hour earlier for the 2:00 dismissal. Teachers: please note the change in PM recess schedule.
8:00 - 10:30 - Cohort A instruction
- Recesses:
- 9:10-9:30 for Grades K-1
- 9:35-9:55 for Grades 2-3
- 10:00-10:20 for Grades 4-5
10:30 - 11:30 - LUNCH / Midday valet and bus departures and valet arrivals
11:30 - 2:00 - Cohort B Instruction
- Recess: 1:10 - 1:30 for ALL Grades K-5
2:00 Dismissal with valet and bus departures
2:00 - 4:00 - Beyond the Bell supervision available to those who have applied and been accepted into the program.
2:00 - 3:00/3:30 - Teacher Professional Development / Grade Level Planning and Collaboration
Thank you for your continued patience with the Beyond the Bell supervision program. They are still in the process of securing enough staff to supervise our 4 morning and 12 afternoon groups. In addition to the four Beyond the Bell coaches provided by the district, we are working closely with Coach K, Coach Andy, and the entire Got Game team to provide more of the support we need. I am so happy Got Game is able to support us- they have quality staff and engaging activities for our students. Our Beyond the Bell team, Coaches Josh, Wanda, Eddie, and Anthony have been a reliable support from the beginning. LAUSD has also provided various district staff as well.
Parent complaints regarding access to supervision and engaging activities have been discussed with district leadership. Beyond the Bell will be working over the next few weeks to provide additional staff and enrichment activities for our students. Please continue to provide your feedback to me so that I may update Beyond the Bell and district leadership of your concerns.
The opportunity to request changes to cohorts, transportation, and supervision has closed for the two-week period of May 3-14. Requests for changes in transportation services have been forwarded to the LAUSD transportation department and should be implemented by next week. Requests for changes in cohort and/or supervision will be honored on Monday, May 3 unless the requested cohort or supervision group is full. In those cases, students have been placed on a waitlist or with a different teacher or cohort group. Due to the lack of supervision staff and limited cohort capacities, we will not be able to honor requests for students to be placed with specific teachers, friends, or classmates. Consistent cohorts were maintained wherever possible.
We have tried to follow-up each request with a phone call or email. Please let me know if we have not confirmed receipt of your request. The survey will reopen on Monday, May 3 for the two-week period of May 17-28:
Thank you for your continued patience, understanding, and cooperation.
Click here to view the updated bus routes, effective May 3, 2021.
The Infiniti team conducted the first round of on-site COVID-19 testing on Friday, April 30. The four-member team was on-site all day and were led by our fearless Xantipa! Most of our students and staff were tested. Students who were not tested include those in Cohort A who left campus at midday. I understand that the district is reorganizing it's COVID-19 testing program. I will let you know when our next round of testing will be. Those students and staff members who were not tested on Friday will be our top priority at the next round of testing.
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