Back-to-School Night
We're so excited to have Back-to-School Night in-person and on campus this year! It will be a very busy night for parents as we introduce our new CFF board members, meet our amazing CMCS teachers, check out the classrooms and textbooks, and learn what our students will be doing and learning this school year. Parents will be asked to sign up for committees and/or Room Parent positions. Community Council nominees will introduce themselves before ballot voting at each grade level.
This event will be a busy and exciting night for parents, but not so much for the students! Since they do not actively participate in this event, they will have had an especially long day at school. For these reasons, we ask that you please plan to make childcare arrangements away from campus. There will be no childcare or supervision available at Back-to-School night.
Also, please remember that Back-to-School night is not a parent conference. If you need time to discuss your child specifically, please be sure to sign up for a conference at the upcoming Six-Week Invitational Conferences to be held September 19-23.
Here is our Back-to-School Night agenda:
Teatime with Toni
Thank you to those who were able to attend my first Teatime this past Thursday! We learned about Superintendent Carvalho's Strategic Plan to ensure that all LAUSD students will be "Ready for the World" by 2026! Click here to read more about it.
At Teatime, I also had to break the terrible news that our free after-school program, Beyond the Bell, is on hold beginning Monday, August 29th, until we can find someone to fill the position of after-school coach. If you know anyone who may be interested, please have them call us at 310-476-2281 or email Toni at
GREAT NEWS: Got Game Camp, our paid after-school program, is available and taking applications! This program runs Monday-Friday from dismissal until 6pm. Got Game offers fun activities for all grade levels and provides snacks, supper, and homework help. Click here to learn more about the program. Contact Coach K at 310-975-8524 or speak with Coach Ashley on campus after school.1-to-1 Homework Help is Here!
Friday Morning Assembly 
*There will be no morning assembly this Friday, September 2 since school will be closed.
Click here to view our school calendar for the entire year.
2022 Fall UCLA Community Relations Events
Athletics for Youth
Only one registration form per group is necessary. Please only request the number of tickets you are confident will be used as we expect groups to use all allotted tickets to these games. We want to fulfill as many requests as we can for all groups. Those who request tickets and do not use their entire allotment requested may not be considered for future UCLA Community Relations events. Admission is subject to availability and is not guaranteed. UCLA will review your submission and confirm your groups attendance via email. You will receive a ticket confirmation email 3 weeks before the football game and 1 week before for all other sporting events.
*Please note at this time, masks are required at indoor UCLA Athletic competitions until further notice. Masks are recommended. but not required, while attending outside UCLA Athletics competitions.
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