Hispanic Latino Heritage Month
Let's teach kids, at the kindergarten level, what the contributions of people of color were to building the United States of America. ~Dolores Huerta
Happy Sunday, Community Families,
September 15 - October 15 is Hispanic Latino Heritage Month! Get ready for our upcoming annual celebrations which include performances by our 1st and 3rd grade classes, a cultural program highlighting an aspect of Hispanic Latino culture, and a tasting of delicious Hispanic Latino dishes. We can't wait to celebrate the contributions our Latino and Hispanic brothers, sisters, and neighbors have made to this amazing land we share! ¡Celebremos!
Most of our Community members know or school's four basic expectations for behavior: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Trustworthy and, most importantly, Be Safe! These important expectations are for everyone in our school community.
On Friday, I received more than one complaint about parents leaving their cars parked in the valet line to go retrieve their child(ren) from campus. One, who parked in the street, held up traffic in both lanes as
he/she got the children into the car . . . and then proceeded to make a U-turn in the middle of the street. This was disrespectful to those waiting in the valet line as well as those in oncoming traffic. It was irresponsible and unsafe because it well may have caused an accident with serious injuries. And it was not trustworthy as we always trust the adults in our community to do the right thing. Please remember that we are role models for our children and they are always watching.
Here are a few suggestions if you are running late and do not have time to wait in the very long valet line.
1) plan ahead - call the main office and let us know what time you will be there to pick up your child. We will try to have your child ready and waiting in the office. Then be sure to arrive before the valet begins to form, which can be as early as an hour before dismissal.
2) park your car in a parking spot on the street and walk up to campus to retrieve your child.
3) arrive a bit early and wait in the visitors lot until your child is dismissed.
If you do witness anyone leaving their car parked in the valet line, please call the main office at 310-476-2281 so that we can locate the parent immediately or at least come to assist with traffic safety until they return to the car.
Supporting our school has never been easier! Just order from one of the 3 Mendocino Farms locations on 10/12 using the coupon code above and Community Magnet will get 20% back on each order!
Please heed the fine print: only online or app orders are eligible.
CMCS Prospective Parent Tours Are Coming!
Interested parents should feel free to attend either of the three tours. No RSVP necessary.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please send in your child's emergency earthquake kits as soon as possible. We are preparing for the upcoming annual Great ShakeOut, and would like to make sure that all students have an earthquake kit on campus. Click here to go to our school website's "Documents and Forms" page where you will find the Earthquake Kit Letter.
Friday Morning Assembly

Link: https://lausd.zoom.us/j/88971868966
Click here t
o view the Friday Morning Assembly presentations.
We are still hoping to find two wonderful people to run our after-school program through Beyond the Bell. If you know anyone who may be interested, please have them call our office or email me at trk2932@lausd.net. We count on our parents for a lot, and we're here again asking for your support in this. I have exhausted all of my options. AND, we also still need TAs!
1-to-1 Homework Help is Here!
To support students and families, LAUSD is providing on demand homework help with a personal virtual tutor. This support is available to all elementary and span K-8 LAUSD students at no cost to families in multiple languages. We have contracted with Paper to ensure 24/7 instant support for all students and families. Students may log into their schoology account and click on the Paper app. For more information please visit https://paper.co/lausd
CELLULAR TELEPHONES AND OTHER MOBILE DEVICES It is the policy of LA Unified to prohibit the use of cellular phones or any electronic mobile device by students on campus during normal school hours. Students are permitted to possess cellular phones, or other electronic mobile devices such as cameras, electronic games, radios, MP3 players, computing devices, tablets, etc. on campus, provided that any such device shall remain turned off and stored in a locker, backpack, purse, pocket, or other places where it is not visible during normal school hours. Students are permitted to use cellular phones or other electronic mobile devices on campus, before and after school or during school activities that occur outside of school hours. For LA Unified, state, and national assessments, students are prohibited to access any unauthorized electronic devices at any time during the entire testing session. Students must comply any time a request is made by school personnel to cease the use of a cellular phone and/or other electronic mobile device even before or after school. Schools may adopt more stringent cellular phone policies through the School Site Council. Cellular phone use on the school bus is for emergency purposes only; driver authorization is required. For more information, you may call Transportation Services at (800) 522-8737. LA Unified is not responsible for lost or stolen cellular phones or other electronic mobile devices.
If a student is found using and/or displaying a cell phone, it will be taken away to be returned to a parent upon request.
You may find this information in the Parent-Student Handbook (page 6) which is posted on our school website under the Resources tab. A hard copy of the handbook should have been sent home by the teacher. If not, please let me know. Also, please let me know if you have any questions regarding this LAUSD policy at trk2932@laud.net.
For your convenience, this list of the important school links has been added to the website under the "From the Principal" tab.
Link: https://lausd.zoom.us/j/88971868966
Meeting ID: 889 7186 8966
Link: https://lausd.zoom.us/j/85702647699?pwd=UUwzOHgwbFlJaDlXMm1ZMldpNm1KZz09
Meeting ID: 857 0264 7699
Passcode: 852391
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