Please Donate to the Food Drive!
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Wednesday, November 16 and Thursday, November 17 will be minimum days with dismissals at 12:45pm. Please adjust your schedules for after-school pick-ups.
The Scholastic Book Fair ends Monday, November 14th!
- There's only one day left to buy your books at the book fair!
- You can stock up on books to read for the upcoming Read-a-Thon (see info below!)
- You can have books on hand to read throughout the Winter break!
- You can buy a book for yourself, a friend, sibling, or your book buddy!
- You can buy books to give as gifts for the holidays!
- You can help Sarah Lilly buy NEW books for the library!

This Friday, November 18, we are kicking off Read-a-Thon 2022!
This family fundraiser encourages students to read while raising money for our school. From November 18 to December 16, students will be participating in a Jumanji-like jungle adventure game where they will compete in teams to see who can raise the most money and read the most minutes. Your child won’t want to miss rolling the dice, making their move, and plunging into the most imaginative fundraiser ever so they can yell, “Read-a-Thon-Ji,” and win the game! Information about how to register, log your child's reading minutes, and raise funds for CMCS will be coming home via backpack express this week so please look for it!
- As COVID cases decrease, we are able to offer more in-person opportunities for parents to volunteer. This year parents have been volunteering in classrooms, in the library, at the book fair, and at school-wide events.
- We have 37 approved parent volunteer applications on file and 134 applications still pending! That's almost 40% of our families!!
- Parent conferences may be held in person, on-line, or by phone.
- TeaTime with Toni meetings will be hybrid. Stay tuned for more information.
December 13-December 16th
To raise money for culmination, the 5th grade class will be running a Holiday Boutique in the library where students can pick out holiday gifts for their family and have them wrapped right on campus. We'll have it open on the day of the Winter performances for adults to shop as well. Please fill out the proper paperwork if you'd like to volunteer (we need you!) and help us by donating shopping bags and gift wrap items (scissors, tape, bows, wrapping paper, gift bags, tissue, gift tags, and lots of scotch tape!) Bring all items to Kathryn's office by December 12th. And if anyone has a cash register we could borrow, please let us know! Thank you!
Thank you to all of the parents who have applied to be a parent volunteer! So far, we have 37 parents approved to be volunteers and 134 pending applications. If your application is still pending, please be sure you have . . .
- Completed an on-line application
- Completed and turned in a Parent Volunteer Commitment form
- Submitted a copy of TB test results (must be dated within the last 4 yrs)
- Uploaded your COVID vaccinations to
- If you plan to work one-on-one with students or chaperone an overnight field trip, you will also need to be fingerprinted through LAUSD.
We are still hoping to find two wonderful people to run our after-school program through Beyond the Bell. If you know anyone who may be interested, please have them call our office or email me at We count on our parents for a lot, and we're here again asking for your support in this. I have exhausted all of my options. AND, we also still need TAs!
1-to-1 Homework Help is Here!
CELLULAR TELEPHONES AND OTHER MOBILE DEVICES It is the policy of LA Unified to prohibit the use of cellular phones or any electronic mobile device by students on campus during normal school hours. Students are permitted to possess cellular phones, or other electronic mobile devices such as cameras, electronic games, radios, MP3 players, computing devices, tablets, etc. on campus, provided that any such device shall remain turned off and stored in a locker, backpack, purse, pocket, or other places where it is not visible during normal school hours. Students are permitted to use cellular phones or other electronic mobile devices on campus, before and after school or during school activities that occur outside of school hours. For LA Unified, state, and national assessments, students are prohibited to access any unauthorized electronic devices at any time during the entire testing session. Students must comply any time a request is made by school personnel to cease the use of a cellular phone and/or other electronic mobile device even before or after school. Schools may adopt more stringent cellular phone policies through the School Site Council. Cellular phone use on the school bus is for emergency purposes only; driver authorization is required. For more information, you may call Transportation Services at (800) 522-8737. LA Unified is not responsible for lost or stolen cellular phones or other electronic mobile devices.
If a student is found using and/or displaying a cell phone, it will be taken away to be returned to a parent upon request.
You may find this information in the Parent-Student Handbook (page 6) which is posted on our school website under the Resources tab. A hard copy of the handbook should have been sent home by the teacher. If not, please let me know. Also, please let me know if you have any questions regarding this LAUSD policy at
For your convenience, this list of the important school links has been added to the website under the "From the Principal" tab.
Meeting ID: 889 7186 8966
Meeting ID: 857 0264 7699
Passcode: 852391
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