“ If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way .” ~Martin Luther King, Jr. Dear Community Families, In this year's Proclamation on Martin Luther King, Jr. , President Biden spoke about Dr. King's 'Beloved Community'. Dr. King believed that a Beloved Community, one in which everyone is cared for, absent of poverty, hunger, and hate, could be achieved. While I know that it is something that can be achieved, the problems in our world today seem insurmountable. On tv and the internet everyday, we see people all around the world suffering from poverty, hunger, and hate. What can we do to contribute to the great work of building a Beloved Community? Of course, we have to start where we are, in our own small Community, then join with another community, and another and another until our world is one united Beloved Community. Maybe this is what Dr. King meant when he said, " If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way. "...