Thank you, Community!

SBAC testing begins this week and will continue next week for all Gr. 3-5 students. Community students generally do very well on these annual statewide summative assessments, so there should be no reason to stress. However, here are a few tips to help parents and students get through testing season!
Testing Prep Tips for Parents
✓Tip #1: Get your child to school on time on test days. Make attendance a priority, especially on days that you know Smarter Balanced tests will be administered. Making sure your child is there when the test is taken helps to ensure your child won't lose more learning time because he/she has to make up a test during school.
✓Tip #2: Make a note of test days on your calendar – This will help remind you and your child when testing will take place and plan your preparation accordingly.
✓Tip #3: If you have a concern about the test or testing situation, talk to your child’s teacher. Confirm that your child will be receiving any pre-determined accommodations and supports during tests. These accommodations and supports are detailed in your child’s IEP or 504 Plan. If your child does not have an IEP or a 504 Plan but needs assistance, make sure you've communicated with your child’s teachers about child’s needs.
✓Tip #4: Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep each night before the tests. Your child will probably perform better if well rested. Tired children have difficulty focusing and are easily flustered by challenges.
✓Tip #5: Make sure your child has enough time to wake up fully before going to school. Just as rest is important, so is having enough time to get your child’s brain engaged and in gear. If the test is first thing in the morning, your child can't afford to spend the first hour of school groggy and unfocused.
✓Tip #6: Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast. Your child should eat a nutritious breakfast. Avoid high sugar cereals. Provide a high-protein, healthy breakfast for your child. Kids learn better on full stomachs, but if their stomachs are full of sugary, heavy foods that will make them sleepy or slightly queasy, it's not much better than an empty stomach.
✓Tip #7: Talk to your child about how the test went. Keep in mind that your child may have to test over several days. Talk to your child about what he/she did well and what he/she would have done differently. Think of it as a mini-debriefing or brainstorming session. You can talk about test-taking strategies after the fact as easily as beforehand.
✓Tip #8: Give your child a chance to practice. If you have a computer with internet access at home, set aside time before the test to access the practice tests with your child. Ensure your child becomes familiar with the test delivery system and how to answer different types of questions. If you don’t have a computer with internet access, consider going to your local library or the schools.
✓Tip #9: Ensure your child wears comfortable clothing for longer than normal test-taking periods.
May 17-19 5th Grade CIMI Camp trip
June 2 Children's Day!!
June 3 5th Grade Dance
June 5 5th Grade Ice Cream Social
June 8 5th Grade Culmination
June 9 Last Day of School
We LOVE our parent volunteers because they do SO MUCH for our students! The Annual Read-a-thon, Sweethearts Dance, the heritage assemblies, the Book Fair, and helping teachers in the classrooms, chaperoning field trips, and valet . . . it all matters a lot and we are all grateful for your strong support! As we readjust to having volunteers back on campus, we must remind you of the following:
1) Once you have opened an online volunteer application, you have 30 days to complete the process: submit your parent commitment form, TB test clearance (within 4 years), and fingerprinting for one-on-one tutors and overnight field trip chaperones. If you plan to volunteer on campus, you must upload your COVID vaccination card to to be approved by LAUSD's Community Engagement.
All incomplete applications created before February 10, 2023 have been declined. If your application was declined, you are welcome to reapply once you are ready to submit the required documents.
2) You may volunteer on campus only after your application and COVID vaccine card have been received, reviewed, and approved by Community Engagement. You will be notified by Parent and Community Services once you are approved.
1-to-1 Homework Help is Here!
CELLULAR TELEPHONES AND OTHER MOBILE DEVICES It is the policy of LA Unified to prohibit the use of cellular phones or any electronic mobile device by students on campus during normal school hours. Students are permitted to possess cellular phones, or other electronic mobile devices such as cameras, electronic games, radios, MP3 players, computing devices, tablets, etc. on campus, provided that any such device shall remain turned off and stored in a locker, backpack, purse, pocket, or other places where it is not visible during normal school hours. Students are permitted to use cellular phones or other electronic mobile devices on campus, before and after school or during school activities that occur outside of school hours. For LA Unified, state, and national assessments, students are prohibited to access any unauthorized electronic devices at any time during the entire testing session. Students must comply any time a request is made by school personnel to cease the use of a cellular phone and/or other electronic mobile device even before or after school. Schools may adopt more stringent cellular phone policies through the School Site Council. Cellular phone use on the school bus is for emergency purposes only; driver authorization is required. For more information, you may call Transportation Services at (800) 522-8737. LA Unified is not responsible for lost or stolen cellular phones or other electronic mobile devices.
If a student is found using and/or displaying a cell phone, it will be taken away to be returned to a parent upon request.
You may find this information in the Parent-Student Handbook (page 6) which is posted on our school website under the Resources tab. A hard copy of the handbook should have been sent home by the teacher. If not, please let me know. Also, please let me know if you have any questions regarding this LAUSD policy at
For your convenience, this list of the important school links has been added to the website under the "From the Principal" tab.
Meeting ID: 889 7186 8966
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