Regular Spirit Day - Friday, October 20th
Dear Community Families,
This past week has been one of unimaginable violence and horrendous acts in Israel and in Gaza. While it was my intent to support those Community families who expressed their wish to stand with Israel, it is never my intent to forget or offend the many families in our school Community with ties to Palestinians in Gaza. For this reason, I must rescind our call for Blue & White Day on Friday and apologize to anyone who was offended by my previous post in this blog. I will be working with guidance from our Region West offices on this very sensitive issue. Friday will be a regular Spirit Day. Thank you for your understanding as we show compassion for everyone in our community.
Community Council Meeting
2:45 p.m.
Room 23
Click here to view the agenda
Every School Safe - Our Feelings Matter Presentation to Students
If you missed Friday's Parent Training on Suicide Awareness and Prevention, check out the Prevent Suicide Parent Handbook .
After-School Intervention Begins
2:30 - 4:15
Late Bus to Carthay departs at 4;30 p.m.
Districtwide Shakeout Earthquake Exercise
The UCLA "Athletics for Youth" program offers an opportunity for our children to attend select sporting events. Currently, there are two events available, both for the UCLA Women's Volleyball team:
· UCLA vs. Washington St. (Oct. 22 @ 12 PM)
· UCLA vs. Cal Berkeley (Nov. 19 @ 12 PM)
If you are interested in attending either event, please complete this form by this Friday, October 6. If you have any difficulties accessing the form, please send an email to Seira Santizo Greenwood ( and Chas Hamilton (

- October 27: Morning Assembly
- October 27: Parade of Masks
- November 2: Prospective Parent Tour #2
- November 3: Morning Assembly
- November 3: Read-a-Thon Kickoff
- November 3: TeaTime with Toni: Substance Use Awareness / Fentanyl
- November 3: Above & Beyond Club
- November 6-17: Parent Conferences
- November 5: Daylight Savings Time Ends
- November 8-9: No After-School Intervention
- November 9: Parent Empowerment Workshop
- November 10: No School- Veterans Day
- November 13: Council Meeting
- November 15-16: Minimum Days, 12:45 dismissals
- November 16: Safety Drills
- November 17: Morning Assembly
- November 20-24: Thanksgiving Break, NO SCHOOL
- Arrive at CMCS between 7:30 and 8:00
- Enter through the gate on the EAST side of the school.
- Drive along the left curb. The right curb is a bus lane whether or not the buses have arrived.
- Wait patiently in a single file line along the left curb of the driveway.
- When a valet volunteer or LAUSD staff directs you, turn right at the parking lot and pull up to the Valet Curb. There can be a maximum of 3 cars at the Valet Curb.
- Under no circumstances can you park with your child and walk them through the parking lot. If, especially during these first weeks of school, you want to walk your child to the front gate, you MUST drop your child at the Valet Curb and then park your car. Your child can wait for you near the valet volunteers on the bench by the Valet Curb.
- When you arrive at the Valet Curb, your child should be ready to exit the car from the passenger side of the vehicle. IF a passenger side exit from your vehicle is unavailable, your child must wait until a valet volunteer opens the driver side door and escorts them in front of your car onto the curb.
- Under no circumstances should the driver exit the vehicle.
- Do not pull around cars in the valet line including at the Valet Curb. The line is single file from the east gate entrance through to the west gate exit. Please wait your turn to drop off your child and to exit campus.
- FINALLY, be patient and kind. The valet volunteers and LAUSD staff are there for the safety of your children. Please treat them, the children, and the other drivers with respect.
All students enrolled in California schools must present immunization records or medical exemption documentation upon admission to school unless there are special circumstances. In order to assist parents in providing immunization records, LAUSD has launched Vive's Immunization Assistant Tool. Parents must have a Parent Portal account to access this helpful tool. (Click here to watch a quick video on how to create a Parent Portal account.) The state of California no longer allows religious or personal belief exemptions (Health and Safety Code section 120325). Only medical exemptions are allowed.
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