Congratulations on Another Successful Book Fair!
Dear CMCS Families,LAUSD will be hosting a district wide Math Kangaroo elementary level competition in the end of March (The third Thursday of March). In conjunction with this event, CMCS will form our very own parent/student Math Club to help prepare our mathletes for this competition and as a community resource to foster confidence and fluency in mathematical problem solving.Math Kangaroo with provide a scripted curriculum guide to help prepare for this competition. If your unfamiliar with math competitions (or a “problem solving” approach towards mathematical thinking), here is a helpful link about problem solving/math competitions with an interview with Richard Ruszcyk, CEO of Art of Problem Solving. (He won the 1989 USA Math Olympiad)Richard Rusczyk Is a Math Evangelist Who Preaches Problem-Solving | Quanta MagazineThis competition is a free event for our students paid for by LAUSD. To qualify we must have at least 10 registered competitors by the deadline: December 9th, 2023. Please email to register your student.The competition for 1st - 4th grade consists of 24 multiple choice questions with an allotted 75 minute time limit to complete. There are 30 questions for 5th graders with the same time limit.All mathletes will be given a t-shirt, certificate, and a gift for participating. Bussing transportation for this “field trip” will be provided by LAUSD from CMCS.An interest meeting will be held on Friday, December 1, 2023 at 9:30am immediately following the GATE meeting in Room 23. Please see the Math Kangaroo flyer attached for more information and Math Kangaroo’s website.

Final Weeks of Fall
November 29-30 and December 6-7
READ-A-THON WRAP-UP Coming Friday, December 7
Read-a-Thon 2023 is a family fundraiser that encourages our children to read while raising money for the school. From November 3 to December 1, students will be participating in a Wizard of Oz-themed adventure where they will compete in teams to see who can raise the most money and read the most minutes. The Lions, Scarecrows and Tin People will take to the Yellow Brick Road and race to the Emerald City!
Please help us reach our fundraising goal of $50,000 by supporting Read-a-Thon and our students. Proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards vital enrichment programs including P.E., Art, Technology, Drama, Music and much more, which is all funded by generous donors like YOU!Registration/Event Link:
- November 29-30: After-School Intervention
- December 1: Morning Assembly
- December 1: Read-a-Thon Wrap Up
- December 1: Teatime with Phyllis, 8:40 a.m. - GATE Program
- December 6-7: Last days of After-School Intervention for Fall Semester
- December 7: Parent Empowerment Workshop
- December 8: Morning Assembly
- December 8: Teatime with Toni - School Violence Prevention
- December 11: Council Meeting
- December 14: Safety Drills
- December 14: Holiday Program
- December 15: Morning Assembly
- December 15: Minimum Day, 12:45 Dismissal
- December 18-January 5: WINTER BREAK
- January 8: School Resumes- First Day of Spring Semester
All parents are invited to monthly workshops featuring topics to help your child achieve academically. Workshops will be facilitated by UCLA experts in the particular field of study.
We hope you can all attend!
(topics are subject to change)
REVISED 10/22/2023
September 7 and 28: Parents- Empowered to Lead Improvement
October 19: Strategies to Get Your Kids to Love Reading
November 9: Eureka Math
December 7: Everyday Math Skills to Teach at Home - Lavyddya Anderson
January 18: Informational & Narrative Writing and How to Support Each at Home - Marlene Carter
February 8: Celebrating Black History - Diana Philips
February 29: How to Make Social Studies Meaningful - Diana Philips
March 21: Persuasive Writing and How to Support It at Home - Marlene Carter
April 18: Next Generation Science Standards - Zach Cue
May 9: Engineering Standards - Zach Cue
May 30: How Kids Learn to Read - Shayla Brown
All remaining workshops will begin at 1:30 p.m. in Room 23 unless otherwise noted.
- Arrive at CMCS between 7:30 and 8:00
- Enter through the gate on the EAST side of the school.
- Drive along the left curb. The right curb is a bus lane whether or not the buses have arrived.
- Wait patiently in a single file line along the left curb of the driveway.
- When a valet volunteer or LAUSD staff directs you, turn right at the parking lot and pull up to the Valet Curb. There can be a maximum of 3 cars at the Valet Curb.
- Under no circumstances can you park with your child and walk them through the parking lot. If, especially during these first weeks of school, you want to walk your child to the front gate, you MUST drop your child at the Valet Curb and then park your car. Your child can wait for you near the valet volunteers on the bench by the Valet Curb.
- When you arrive at the Valet Curb, your child should be ready to exit the car from the passenger side of the vehicle. IF a passenger side exit from your vehicle is unavailable, your child must wait until a valet volunteer opens the driver side door and escorts them in front of your car onto the curb.
- Under no circumstances should the driver exit the vehicle.
- Do not pull around cars in the valet line including at the Valet Curb. The line is single file from the east gate entrance through to the west gate exit. Please wait your turn to drop off your child and to exit campus.
- FINALLY, be patient and kind. The valet volunteers and LAUSD staff are there for the safety of your children. Please treat them, the children, and the other drivers with respect.
For the SAFETY of your child and ALL children and parents at CMCS, if you are driving your child to school you MUST follow these valet rules.
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