Have a Great Week!


Happy Sunday, Community Families,

This week, our Community Council meets on Tuesday. See the agenda below. Remember, if you have a concern or suggestion for our school, reach out to grade level Council rep. or come to make a public comment at the Council Meeting.

If you didn't get to register your student for the first session of Tuesday Enrichment, you're in luck! The second session begins in a couple of weeks and the sign-up is linked below. It fills up fast, so make sure to register today!

Math Kangaroo begins tomorrow. This year, we have CMCS teachers leading every group with the support of some very special parent volunteers. Last year, six of our students placed nationally and this year, we're looking to do even better! Math Kangaroo is very challenging, but also very fun. We look forward to working and playing with our Kangaroo Mathletes!! Special shout out to Howard Chiang who pours his heart and passion into this project. Thank you, Howard, for everything you do!

I'm looking forward to a great week ahead!



Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 



As you know, we have several after-school activities at Community. There's Kids 4 College camp, musical theater, math kangaroo, Tuesday enrichment, intervention, and tutoring. Later in the year, we'll also have late field trips. Getting students to their buses after dismissal has become a challenge. Late notifications of last minute changes in transportation plans exacerbate the problem. In order to help us get your students off smoothly at the end of the day, we ask that you please call the main office before 12:00 pm to notify us of any changes to your transportation plans. Since Kathryn does not always get to her email in time, I encourage you not to email her with these changes. In order to get the message into the bus book and out to classes before dismissal,  it is very important that you notify the office in a timely manner. Every day, buses sit and wait as we try to get last minute messages to students. Too many times, we've had to stop the bus and get a child off or have the bus return to school to pick up a child because of late communication. The students have a long enough ride and the late notifications add more time to the commute.

Please always call before 12pm.

                      TUESDAY ENRICHMENT SESSION 2                             BEGINS OCTOBER 22nd!!



Session 1 ends on October 15th for 

all students participating in Session 1. 



Dear Community Families,

 The UCLA "Athletics for Youth" program offers an opportunity for our children to attend select sporting events.  

Tickets are limited and will be given on a first come, first served way. If you are interested in attending either event, please complete this form .

If you have any difficulties accessing the form, please send an email to Seira Santizo Greenwood (seirasantizo@gmail.com)

Countdown: 10 left of Pledge Drive Campaign!!! 


Is this the year?

Will you help us reach 100% participation and make a BIG difference! 

Together we can! 

We are ~ $63K to goal!!! 

In a few weeks families have come together and pledged $202,317!

The Pledge Drive raises nearly 2/3 of the funds we need to support CMCS and this effort is the foundation of our fundraising. During the 2024-2025 School Year PLEDGE needs to raise $265,000 of our total $380,187 to support CMCS. Other fundraisers in the year such as, Parade of Masks “POM”, Read-A-Thon, Spring Dance and Pump It Up “PIU”, help us reach our total fundraising goal, so your support throughout the year is essential! 



Save the Dates . . .

Recurring Activities
  • Math Kangaroo:  Mondays
  • Student Nest Tutoring Services: Mon., Wed., Thurs.
  • Tuesday Enrichment : Tuesdays
  • Tiny Spotlight Musical Theater: Tuesdays & Thursdays 
  • After-School Intervention: Wednesdays & Thursdays
  • Morning Assembly: Fridays

  • October 7
    • Math Kangaroo begins
  • October 8
    • Council Meeting
  • October 10
    • Safety Drills
  • October 11
    • Audiometric Screening for Grades K, 2, 5 and Students with Disabilities
  • October 14-18
    • Digital Citizens Week
  • October 15
    • Hispanic Heritage Month Presentations, Grades 3 & 4
  • October 17
    • Great California Shakeout
  • October 18
    • Teatime with Toni
    • Parent Meeting
    • Hispanic Heritage Month Assembly
  • October 23
    • Prospective Parent Tour #2, 8:30am
  • October 25
    • Parade of Masks
  • October 31
    • Halloween!!
    • No After-School Intervention
  • November 1
    • Read-a-Thon Kick-Off at Morning Assembly
    • Pajama Day 
  • November 1
    • Read-a-Thon Kick-Off at Morning Assembly
    • Pajama Day 
  • November 6
    • Prospective Parent Tour #2
  • November 7
    • Safety Drills
  • November 8
    • Grading Period 1 Ends

Click here to view the 24-25 School Calendar

Click here to read the 2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook


Thank you to all the parents who have already submitted volunteer applications for the 2024-2025 school year. While quite a few applications have been approved, many are stuck in the process because of  expired TB clearance. TB clearance must be updated every 4 years, so if your TB clearance was provided in 2020, it's  time to update.

Please look out for the parent volunteer training coming soon.


Students need to come to school every day. When possible, please schedule your child’s medical appointments outside of school hours. (See the bell schedule for our school hours.) If you must schedule an appointment during school hours, please check in at the main office to pick up/drop off your child.

The following types of absences are excused: illness, doctor’s appointments, funerals, family emergencies, court dates, religious observances, etc. Examples of unexcused absences include: vacations, “we slept in,” “we took a family day,” “we went to Disneyland for her birthday,” "we visited relatives out of state/country," etc. Even if you send in a note to explain the absence, those examples would be designated as unexcused. For more information, please refer to LAUSD’s Attendance Guide.

You may know that LAUSD has an Independent Study program. This program is intended to provide make-up classwork for students who must miss school for legitimate long-term absences (for example, needing to go out of town for a death in the family, quarantine/lengthy stay at home for serious illness, or needing to make a visa appointment in a home country). Independent Study is NOT for “we are taking 2 weeks off and going abroad,” or “we are starting our Winter Break 10 days early.” For Independent Study in excess of 15 days, you must enroll in the online City of Angels program.


Click here for the application. Return the completed application to the main office.


    For the SAFETY of your child and ALL children and parents at CMCS, if you are driving your child to school you MUST follow these valet rules. 
    • Arrive at CMCS between 7:30 and 8:00
    • Enter through the gate on the EAST side of the school.
    • Drive along the left curb.  The right curb is a bus lane whether or not the buses have arrived.
    • Wait patiently in a single file line along the left curb of the driveway.
    • When a valet volunteer or LAUSD staff directs you, turn right at the parking lot and pull up to the Valet Curb.  There can be a maximum of 3 cars at the Valet Curb.  
    • Under no circumstances can you park with your child and walk them through the parking lot. If, especially during these first weeks of school, you want to walk your child to the front gate, you MUST drop your child at the Valet Curb and then park your car.  Your child can wait for you near the valet volunteers on the bench by the Valet Curb.
    • When you arrive at the Valet Curb, your child should be ready to exit the car from the passenger side of the vehicle.  IF a passenger side exit from your vehicle is unavailable, your child must wait until a valet volunteer opens the driver side door and escorts them in front of your car onto the curb.
    • Under no circumstances should the driver exit the vehicle.
    • Do not pull around cars in the valet line including at the Valet Curb.  The line is single file from the east gate entrance  through to the west gate exit.  Please wait your turn to drop off your child and to exit campus.
    • FINALLY, be patient and kind.  The valet volunteers and LAUSD staff are there for the safety of your children.  Please treat them, the children, and the other drivers with respect.


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