Happy Valentine's Day!


Dear Community Families,

It’s been another full and productive week at Community Magnet! All classes have successfully completed their Middle-of-Year (MOY) assessments in reading and math. We will use this data to guide our planning for after-school intervention, CATCH rosters, and small group instruction in the classrooms.

This week, Student Nest tutoring kicked off its third and final session of the school year. We appreciate the parents who support their 

children by allowing them to stay after school for this valuable academic assistance. Additionally, after-school intervention will begin on February 19 for all invited students.

On Friday, we had the joy of celebrating our incredible Super Hero bus drivers! They were honored with special certificates from Board Member Melvoin and his Senior Advisor & District Director, Allison Holdorff-Polhill. Our students shared heartfelt messages, and our 

parents provided a delicious breakfast to show their appreciation. A special thank you to Julia Fisher for leading this wonderful event. In case you didn’t know, our bus drivers played a vital role in ensuring the safety of students and staff from Marquez ES and Palisades Charter ES. We are truly grateful to have the best and bravest bus drivers!

Since 2013, we have been incredibly fortunate to have dedicated parent volunteers caring for our beautiful and bountiful Global Garden. Built during one of our “Community Days” (also known as Beautification Days), the garden was designed to inspire students to connect with nature, learn the journey from "seed to table," and enjoy the flavors of a fresh harvest.

Ana Park took on the role of garden coordinator after its creation, nurturing it year after year until her son, Grayson, moved on to middle

school. She then passed the torch to another devoted parent, Shihoh Yoshikawa, who has continued to cultivate our students' love and appreciation for nature. Now, as Shihoh’s son, Shin, prepares to move on to middle school, her time as garden coordinator is also coming to an end.

A heartfelt thank you to Ana and Shihoh for their years of dedication in keeping our Global Garden thriving! As we look ahead, we are seeking a passionate parent with a love for gardening and a magical green thumb to carry on this tradition. If you’re interested, please email Shihoh at syoshikawa@gmail.com or me at trk2932@lausd.net.

We've received a few inquiries about the date of our Annual Sweethearts Dance. Instead, we now celebrate with a Spring Dance, which will take place this year on March 14 at 5 PM.

That’s all for now! Wishing you a wonderful week and a Happy Valentine’s Day! 💖




This is your "heads up" alert that registration for Tuesday Enrichment, Session 4, will open on February 16, 6pm, right here on the Community Corner!  Session 4 will run from March 4 through April 1 every Tuesday.

Stay tuned and don't forget! 


Friday, February 14, 2025


Room 23 or via ZOOM

Please join me at Teatime with Toni to learn about the process and procedures LAUSD strives to follow if Federal immigration officials, including immigration and Customs Enforcement ("ICE") agents or designees, request access to our school, students, or student records. You will also learn information about what District and Community resources are available to families. Click here to RSVP for in-person or virtual attendance. Your name will not be collected for this survey.


Grandparents’ Day is a special tradition at Community Magnet Charter School. We invite grandparents to our campus to enjoy a fabulous day with our students. Our special visitors are invited to spend time in classrooms and read a book, tell a story, or play a game with the students. It is truly a memorable experience for the children and their guests!

    • 9:45 AM - Registration in front of the auditorium

    • 10:00-10:25 - Coffee and Orientation with Principal Toni

    • 10:30-11:30 - Classroom visits (If the grandparent has more than                                 one grandchild at the school, they can split their time                              between classrooms.)

    • 11:30-12:30 - A delicious lunch will be served to our visitors.                                     Students are welcome to bring their own lunch and                                 join their grandparent.

***Please limit guests to two per family!***

Not every student will have a grandparent on campus, so please don’t worry if you don’t have a grandparent to send. For additional guests (more than two per family) please send $20 each (cash or checks payable to CFF) to the Main Office, Attn: Grandparents’ Day by 2/28/25.

Be sure to visit the Book Fair in our Library! Please stop by and support the school! Money raised goes toward the purchase of new books for the library!

We will need a headcount for lunch. Please RSVP to let us know how many grandparents will be enjoying the catered lunch. Students may bring their own lunch and join their grandparent.

RSVP by February 28th. Thank you!

Please click here to register your Grandparent!



                    SUMMER WORKSHOP FOR STUDENTS                         WITH THE UCLA MATH PROJECT

Here is an opportunity for your students to engage in a dynamic four-day OR five-day workshop this summer facilitated by the UCLA Math Project. The Young Mathematicians Summer Institute, designed for students in grades 3 through 5, will focus on critical math concepts, with an emphasis on deepening students' understanding of fractions.
During this workshop, students will explore grouping problems and participate in hands-on activities that will challenge and enhance their mathematical thinking. The sessions are designed to support students in building a strong foundation in math, while also preparing them for more advanced topics in later grades.
Details about the workshop:
  • Target Audience: 3rd - 5th grade students (6th grade also welcome)
  • Focus Areas: Algebraic reasoning and fraction understanding through engaging group problem-solving activities
  • Dates: July 8-11 or July 14-18
  • Location: Da Vinci Schools in El Segundo
  • Registration: Open NOW

Summer Young Mathematicians Scholarship
This scholarship offers students the opportunity to participate in our enriching summer program at 50% of the regular registration fee. (This opportunity is limited but still available to those who have already registered.)
To apply, please complete the application form below. The deadline for submission is Saturday, March 1, 2025.
Please ensure all sections are completed thoroughly, as incomplete applications may not be considered. We look forward to reviewing your application and supporting your child’s mathematical journey!
If you are an educator and have received this message, please kindly forward it to your families so they can take advantage of this opportunity!

La Beca para Jóvenes Matemáticos de Verano
Esta beca ofrece a los estudiantes la oportunidad de participar en nuestro enriquecedor programa de verano con un 50% de descuento en la tarifa de inscripción regular.
Para postularse, por favor complete el formulario de solicitud a continuación. La fecha límite para enviar la solicitud es el sábado 1 de marzo de 2025.
Asegúrese de completar todas las secciones de manera exhaustiva, ya que las solicitudes incompletas pueden no ser consideradas. ¡Esperamos revisar su solicitud y apoyar el viaje matemático de su hijo!


    For the SAFETY of your child and ALL children and parents at CMCS, if you are driving your child to school you MUST follow these valet rules. 
    • Arrive at CMCS between 7:30 and 8:00
    • Enter through the gate on the EAST side of the school.
    • Drive along the left curb.  The right curb is a bus lane whether or not the buses have arrived.
    • Wait patiently in a single file line along the left curb of the driveway.
    • When a valet volunteer or LAUSD staff directs you, turn right at the parking lot and pull up to the Valet Curb.  There can be a maximum of 3 cars at the Valet Curb.  
    • Under no circumstances can you park with your child and walk them through the parking lot. If, especially during these first weeks of school, you want to walk your child to the front gate, you MUST drop your child at the Valet Curb and then park your car.  Your child can wait for you near the valet volunteers on the bench by the Valet Curb.
    • When you arrive at the Valet Curb, your child should be ready to exit the car from the passenger side of the vehicle.  IF a passenger side exit from your vehicle is unavailable, your child must wait until a valet volunteer opens the driver side door and escorts them in front of your car onto the curb.
    • Under no circumstances should the driver exit the vehicle.
    • Do not pull around cars in the valet line including at the Valet Curb.  The line is single file from the east gate entrance  through to the west gate exit.  Please wait your turn to drop off your child and to exit campus.
    • FINALLY, be patient and kind.  The valet volunteers and LAUSD staff are there for the safety of your children.  Please treat them, the children, and the other drivers with respect.

Save the Dates . . .

Recurring Activities
  • Math Kangaroo:  Mondays
  • Student Nest Tutoring Services: Mon., Wed., Thurs.
  • Tuesday Enrichment : Tuesdays
  • Tiny Spotlight Musical Theater: Tuesdays & Thursdays 
  • After-School Intervention: Wednesdays & Thursdays
  • Morning Assembly: Fridays

  • Parent Workshop: Parenting in a Digital World
  • Parent Workshop: SaRah Feinstein- Intro to Positive Behavior Intervention and Support - Restorative Practices, March 28, 8:45-9:45

  • February 17
    • NO SCHOOL - Presidents Day
  • February 21
    • Black History Month Assemblies
  • February 25
    • Black History Month Presentations by Kindergarten and 5th Grade classes
  • February 28
    • Book Fair Preview Day
  • March 3-7
    • Parent Conferences
    • Book Fair
  • March 3
    • No Math Kangaroo
  • March 4
    • Grandparents Day
    • Council Meeting
  • March 5-6
    • 2nd Grade OLSAT Assessment
    • Minimum Day, 12:50 Dismissal
  • March 9
    • Daylight Savings Time begins
  • March 13
    • Safety Drills
  • March 14
    • Teatime with Toni
    • Spring Dance
  • March 20
    • Math Kangaroo Competition
  • March 24
    • Math Kangaroo ends
  • March 28

  • March 31
    • No School - Cesar Chavez Day

Click here to view the 24-25 School Calendar

Click here to read the 2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook


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