Strengthening Our Community

Good Evening Community Family, Community has been on my mind a lot lately. I mean, our community . I envision our community as a place where all members are valued and appreciated . . . and everyone feels it so strongly that they only want to give their best to the community. Lately, the world outside of our community seems overrun with self-serving, vindictive bullies. We watch them on TV, hear them on the radio, and even see them on the freeway! And it’s likely to get worse in coming weeks. But we can and should keep our community free of that. Our children are also watching and will emulate what they see. Let's practice the opposite of being self-serving: it's always better to give without the expectation of receiving something in return. If you only give with the expectation of receiving, it's really better not to give at all . Let's not demonstrate vindictiveness. Instead, let...