
Showing posts from August, 2020

Strengthening Our Community

Good Evening Community Family, Community has been on my mind a lot lately. I mean,  our   community . I envision  our  community as a place where  all  members are valued and appreciated . . . and  everyone  feels it so strongly that they only want to give their best to the community. Lately, the world outside of our community seems overrun with self-serving, vindictive bullies. We watch them on TV, hear them on the radio, and even see them on the freeway! And it’s likely to get worse in coming weeks. But we can and should keep  our  community free of that. Our children are also watching and will emulate what they see. Let's practice the  opposite  of being self-serving: it's always better to give  without the expectation of receiving something in return. If you only give with the expectation of receiving,  it's really better not to give at all . Let's  not  demonstrate vindictiveness. Instead, let...

Monday Morning Message

Good evening Community Families, Can you believe how much we've already accomplished even before our first full week of school? 98% of our students attended school on the first day! 96% of families have registered for the Parent Portal! We need those last 18 families to register in order to meet our goal of 100%. Community staff has filled every request for an iPad, Chromebook, and hotspot device. Please let us know if you need to exchange a device that is not working. Teachers and staff were on hand to distribute supplies and materials to every enrolled student. And we are still enrolling! If the first few days of the 2020-2021 school year are a sign, then we are absolutely headed for one amazing year! Monday Morning Messages The entire Community family is invited to join me at 9am tomorrow morning for  Monday Morning Messages . This will be a quick, 20-minute kick off to the week with a focus on the Six Pillars of Character and a related weekly challenge to students to contribu...

Get Ready, Get Set, GO!!

 Hello Community Families, I'm writing this week's blog a bit late as it's been a very busy weekend preparing for the coming week. By now, most families have picked up devices and materials and met their new teachers for the 2020-2021 school year. Thank you to everyone who joined me for the Parent Orientation on Wednesday. It was great to hear from our fabulous enrichment teachers about all they've planned for our students during distance learning. Our CFF Board members gave us an overview of their role in providing our students with the amazing programs and events that make Community such a special place. I'm confident that, despite our unusual circumstances, our families will come through with the support needed to enrich and enhance the Community experience for our students. As we prepare for this unprecedented opening of schools, I'd like to remind you of what the week ahead will bring: GET READY . . . I am so excited to announce that a whopping 93% of fami...

New Beginnings!

 Dear Community Families, Things are shaking and school will begin before you know it. Many of you are taking one last opportunity to get out into nature and enjoy the great outdoors. So, go and enjoy! Meanwhile, here are news and updates: Last Friday, our new Local District-West Superintendent, Dr. Adaina Brown visited the CMCS campus! We observed social distancing as we walked through campus, to the upper yard, and back through classrooms to meet the teachers and staff who were there working and preparing for this week's distribution. Dr. Brown has hit the ground running as she leads us in preparing for this unprecedented remote opening of our schools. I look forward to more of her visits to our beautiful campus this year. QR codes for all grade levels will be distributed with the instructional materials. The QR codes will make it much easier to access online platforms and apps during distance learning. I will send instructions for use and will also post instructions on the websi...

Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year!

Dear Community Families,   Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year! I hope you’ve enjoyed a safe and relaxing summer and are looking forward to reconnecting with your Community friends, classmates, and teachers. The first day of school will be Tuesday, August 18, 2020. As we begin with distance learning, we acknowledge that this year will be challenging. However, I remain confident that we will continue to achieve high levels of academic success with rigorous and engaging instruction at every grade level and strengthen our community with regular opportunities for collaboration and communication.   Our Morning Character assemblies will resume this year with a few tweaks for our virtual gathering. We will focus on being safe, respectful, responsible, and trustworthy citizens in productive virtual classroom and school-wide settings. We will also celebrate and emphasize the importance of diversity, inclusiveness, and multiculturalism in our school and in the larger communities. ...