The Golden Rule
Does Your Child Use Tik Tok?
Tik Tok has become very popular with tweens and young teens. Like most social media, Tik Tok offers hours of fun and entertainment with people sharing their talents, funny videos, and all kinds of new information. The danger comes when young students have access without proper adult supervision. Some students open accounts without their parent's knowledge, open multiple accounts, and get around age restrictions by falsifying their ages. Tik Tok users may be exposed to inappropriate content, child predators, and dangerous challenges. The articles below provide parents helpful information on the best ways to monitor your child's use of Tik Tok.
Is Tik Tok Safe for Kids? Parent Magazine, updated 1/28/2022
Time to Get a Handle on Tik Tok? USA Today, updated 12/18/2021
Parents' Ultimate Guide to Tik Tok Common Sense Media
Please remember to drive safely and respectfully while on campus and throughout our community. The safety of our students, staff, and parents are a top priority, so please always think SAFETY FIRST in any decisions you make while in and around vehicles.
Black History Month Assembly: Meet Robert Williams, Tuskegee Airman
Join us on Monday, February 28, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. to learn about the brave and heroic Tuskegee Airman, Robert Williams and how the successful and talented group of fighter pilots fought racism in America while also protecting Americans from our country's enemies.
Captain Robert Williams was a wartime pilot with the U.S. Army Air Corps' "332nd Fighter Group" of the Tuskegee Airmen.
Friday, February 11, 2022
Stay tuned for further developments on these special projects that are currently in the works . . .- Martha Melinda Auditorium Dedication - A tentative date of March 12 has been set! Stay tuned for more news.
- Shade Trees on the Upper Yard - We have received approval to replace the 4 small trees on the upper yard with 4 larger trees. The new trees will be about 13 feet tall when we receive them (that's the tallest they could find) and will potentially grow to between 33 and 66 feet tall. Stay tuned for more updates on this project.
- Asphalt Repair - We have received approval to get the asphalt repaired near Room 14.
- Martha Melinda Auditorium Dedication - A tentative date of March 12 has been set! Stay tuned for more news.
- Shade Trees on the Upper Yard - We have received approval to replace the 4 small trees on the upper yard with 4 larger trees. The new trees will be about 13 feet tall when we receive them (that's the tallest they could find) and will potentially grow to between 33 and 66 feet tall. Stay tuned for more updates on this project.
- Asphalt Repair - We have received approval to get the asphalt repaired near Room 14.
Coming Up . . .

Monday, February 14Sweethearts Dance
Tuesday, February 15Community Council Meeting, 3:30 p.m.
Thursday, February 17Safety DrillTea Time with Toni - Topic: Budget
Monday, February 21No School - Presidents Day
Monday, February 28 School-Wide Black History Assembly
Every Tuesday - Early Out 1:30 DismissalEvery Friday - on-site COVID Testing
Shortened Isolation Rapid Antigen Test Sites
Webster Middle School
Virginia Road Elementary School
Please read the fine print:
- Please do not walk up to any stationary testing site if you or your child is positive, even if you do not have symptoms.
- Shortened Isolation Testing Sites are designated ONLY for students and employees who have tested positive for Covid-19, currently in isolation, and need a rapid antigen test on or around Day 5
- NO close contacts
- NO PCR Testing at this site
- Students and employees should be prepared to show verification of their last PCR test result
- Students and employees will need to walk-up and test onsite with our vendor, AMI
- The Shortened Isolation Testing Site at Webster and Virginia Road Elementary are NOT drive-thru sites. All students and employees must exit their vehicle to take a Rapid Antigen Test.
- Employees and parents are responsible for the uploading of test results to the Daily Pass
- If necessary, lines will be stopped not later than 4:15 PM M-F in order to ensure a 4:30 PM closure of the site; 3:45 p.m. on Saturdays
- Rapid Antigen Test will NOT be distributed at any stationary site throughout the district, including Audubon and Beethoven EEC's Covid-19 Testing Site, effective Monday, January 24, 2022
- All district Covid-19 Symptomatic Drive-thru Sites will serve ONLY symptomatic employees and students, effective Monday, January 24, 2022. Anyone who goes to a symptomatic site will receive a PCR or a saliva test ONLY.
- If a student or employee is symptomatic, they should go to test in their vehicle at a symptomatic site ONLY such Audubon, Gage or Gardena, no walk-ups
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