Good luck, MK Mathletes!
Good luck to our MK Mathletes in the upcoming Math Kangaroo Competition on March 20th!
Dear Community Families,
Congratulations to our entire school community! On March 11, the LAUSD School Board officially approved our charter renewal for another six years!
We were incredibly close to securing a seven-year renewal but fell just short due to our high chronic absenteeism rate. While we’ll continue working hard to improve attendance, we’re thrilled to have excelled in all other metrics. This is a huge achievement, and we couldn’t be more proud!
Other big news this week was the rain! Unfortunately, it disrupted a few field trips and postponed our annual Spring Dance. The good news? Everything has been rescheduled! We’re excited to celebrate at the dance this Friday, March 21, and I hope everyone can still make it. I can’t wait to see you all there!
This week, along with Friday’s Spring Dance, we’re excited for the Conga Kids culminating event! On Monday, our 5th graders will showcase their year of Conga Kids instruction with a special dance performance for their parents and 4th-grade classmates.
Looking ahead, Josh, our Conga Kids dance teacher, will lead a group of CMCS students in a performance at the Region West STEAMFest on Saturday, April 26. We hope to see our CMCS families there to cheer them on!
Also, the Math Kangaroo Competition is happening on Thursday, March 20, at Fairfax High School! Nearly 100 of our dedicated mathletes will put their weeks of training to the test as they compete against students nationwide.
Not to brag, but last year, SIX CMCS students placed nationally in the competition! I’m incredibly proud of our student mathletes, as well as our amazing parent and teacher coaches and our dedicated MK team. I can’t wait to see what they achieve this year!
Well, that's all for now. Wishing best of luck to our CMCS Mathletes this week! I'll see you at school!
Nowruz – The Persian New Year
Nowruz (meaning "New Day") is the Persian New Year, marking the first day of spring. Celebrated for 3,763 years, this joyous festival begins at the spring equinox, when day and night are equal, symbolizing balance and renewal. While Nowruz is recognized by the USA congress as the Persian New Year, it is now celebrated in over 18 countries worldwide and unites millions of people across different cultures. In Iran, Nowruz festivities last for 13 days, filled with various customs and traditions.
In the weeks leading up to Nowruz, families clean their homes, spring cleaning. They also set up the Haft Seen table, grow sprouts (Sabzeh), and buy new clothes to wear on New Year's Day. On Nowruz, older family members give younger ones gifts (normally money), which is called Eidi, wishing them good fortune in the new year.
On the eve of the last Wednesday before Nowruz, Iranians celebrate Chaharshanbeh Suri by jumping over small bonfires. As they leap over the flames, they recite rhymes, seeking health and vitality for the new year.
The main symbol of Nowruz is Haft Seen Table. It is a special table with seven symbolic items that start with "S" in Farsi:
· Senjed (silverberry) – symbol of Love
· Seeb (apple) – symbol of Beauty
· Sabzeh (sprouts) – symbol of Growth and rebirth
· Seer (garlic) – symbol of Health
· Samanoo (sweet wheat pudding) – symbol of Strength and wealth
· Serkeh (vinegar) – symbol of Patience
· Somagh (sumac) – symbol of Sunrise and new beginnings
Other items on the table include candles, mirror, painted eggs, and goldfish, representing happiness, clarity, and new life.
The 13-day celebration concludes with Sizdah Bedar, meaning "getting rid of the thirteenth." On this day, families spend time outdoors, having picnics, playing games, and enjoying nature. They also tie the sprouts into knots, make wishes, and throw them into rivers, symbolizing the release of negativity and the hope for fulfilled wishes.
I'd like to thank Banooo (Dorsa, Grade 3), for teaching us about Nowruz and presenting at Morning Assembly every year!! Join us at Friday's Morning Assembly for her annual presentation and a special tasting for the students, weather permitting.
Exciting News- Our School Website is Getting an Upgrade
Within the next 30 days, our current school website,, will be replaced with a new Edlio-powered website, in alignment with LAUSD requirements. This transition ensures consistency across all LAUSD school websites while improving accessibility and functionality for our community.
Stay tuned for more details about our new site—we’ll share updates soon.
Smarter Balanced and End-of-Year Assessments Coming Soon!
Please make sure your child is in school!!
- Arrive at CMCS between 7:30 and 8:00
- Enter through the gate on the EAST side of the school.
- Drive along the left curb. The right curb is a bus lane whether or not the buses have arrived.
- Wait patiently in a single file line along the left curb of the driveway.
- When a valet volunteer or LAUSD staff directs you, turn right at the parking lot and pull up to the Valet Curb. There can be a maximum of 3 cars at the Valet Curb.
- Under no circumstances can you park with your child and walk them through the parking lot. If, especially during these first weeks of school, you want to walk your child to the front gate, you MUST drop your child at the Valet Curb and then park your car. Your child can wait for you near the valet volunteers on the bench by the Valet Curb.
- When you arrive at the Valet Curb, your child should be ready to exit the car from the passenger side of the vehicle. IF a passenger side exit from your vehicle is unavailable, your child must wait until a valet volunteer opens the driver side door and escorts them in front of your car onto the curb.
- Under no circumstances should the driver exit the vehicle.
- Do not pull around cars in the valet line including at the Valet Curb. The line is single file from the east gate entrance through to the west gate exit. Please wait your turn to drop off your child and to exit campus.
- FINALLY, be patient and kind. The valet volunteers and LAUSD staff are there for the safety of your children. Please treat them, the children, and the other drivers with respect.
Save the Dates . . .
- Math Kangaroo: Mondays
- Student Nest Tutoring Services: Mon., Wed., Thurs.
- Tuesday Enrichment : Tuesdays
- Tiny Spotlight Musical Theater: Tuesdays & Thursdays
- After-School Intervention: Wednesdays & Thursdays
- Morning Assembly: Fridays
- March 24
- Math Kangaroo Celebration and Recognition Assembly
- March 28
- Parent Workshop: SaRah Feinstein- Intro to Positive Behavior Intervention and Support - Restorative Practices
- March 31
- No School - Cesar Chavez Day
- April 1
- Council Meeting
- Accepted Family Tour
- Last Day for Tuesday Enrichment
- Last Day for Tuesday cast of Tiny Spotlight
- April 3
- Safety Drill
- Last Day of Spring Intervention
- April 4
- Tiny Spotlight Presentation of Sing! (Tuesday Cast)
- April 5
- Tiny Spotlight Presentations (Tuesday Cast / Thursday Cast)
- April 6
- Tiny Spotlight Presentation (Thursday Cast)
- April 7-11
- CAASPP Practice all week for Gr. 3-5
- April 10
- Open House!
- Family Literacy Night
- No Homework Day
- 5th Grade Panoramic Pictures
- April 11
- TeaTime with Toni
- Parent Meeting
- Pump It Up!!
- Minimum Day, 12:50 Dismissal
- School Experience Survey window closes
- April 14-18: SPRING BREAK!!
- April 21-25
- Last week of Tutoring with Student Nest
- April 24
- NO SCHOOL - Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day
- April 25
- Region West Steam Fest
- Beautification Day (tentative)
- April 28
- CAASPP Testing all week in English Language Arts, Gr. 3-5
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